Open Studies Recruiting at Our Practice


Respiratory Infection
A randomised controlled trial comparing doxycycline with placebo in patients aged 65 or more, with a lower respiratory tract infection and one or more risk factors.

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A randomised controlled trial comparing the clinical effectiveness of low dose amitriptyline to placebo for the prevention of post-herpetic neuralgia.

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A randomised controlled trial assessing symptom-driven versus maintenance preventer therapy for the outpatient management of asthma in children.

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A blinded, non-inferiority phase III trial of 5 versus 7 days of oral flucloxacillin antibiotics in primary care patients with lower limb cellulitis.

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Atrial Fibrillation
A randomised controlled trial to test the hypothesis that direct oral anticoagulants (type of drug that helps to prevent blood clots from forming) are effective and cost-effective in patients with atrial fibrillation at low or intermediate risk of stroke.

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Urinary Tract Infection
A randomised controlled trial investigating the impact of duration of antibiotic therapy on effectiveness, safety and selection of antibiotic resistance in adult women with urinary tract infections.

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A randomised controlled trial to see whether offering people a new treatment service (eDIAMOND programme) can help more people achieve diabetic remission.

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Genes and Health

A long-term genetic study to understand more about the nature of disease in the community in British Bangladeshi and British Pakastani individuals aged 16years and over. 

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A randomised controlled trial comparing two types of low carbohydrate eating plans to establish the right diet for participants and to also help them achieve their health goals.

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Optimise 2

A randomised controlled trial optimising treatment for mild hypertension in older people at risk of adverse events. 

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Respiratory Infection
A randomised feasibility trial using point of care testing to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use for lower Respiratory tract infections in older adults (65 and over). 



Respiratory Infection
A multi-country, prospective perpetual observational study among patients presenting in primary care with symptoms of acute respiratory tract infection.

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Urinary Tract Infection
A study evaluating new rapid tests for diagnosing urinary tract infections in women aged 18 and over.

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Virology Surveillance 

Respiratory Infection
A programme to measure the effectiveness of the influenza/flu, RSV, and COVID-19 vaccinations using results from swabs taken by patients who are unwell. The swabs are used to monitor the spread of several respiratory viruses, like influenza (flu), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) in different regions. 

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Who will I be seen by?

The members of St Bartholomew and Hollow Way Research Delivery Team are listed below. You may see one or multiple staff members depending on what the study entails. We are all supported by the full practice team including both clinical and non-clinical staff employed by the Practice. 

See our staff page for further information

  • Dr Nick Wooding – Salaried GP and Joint Research Lead
  • Dr Mark Gould – GP Partner and Joint Research Lead 
  • Dr Carol Doan – GP Partner 
  • Sophie Maslen – Clinical Research Manager
  • Clare Murray – Clinical Research Practitioner

Other Research Opportunities

We also support many other research projects that are recruiting in a secondary care setting for example, locally at Oxford University Hospitals and Oxford Health. You will be invited to these either by SMS, Email or by Post.

If you would like to discuss any of our studies or have any questions, please contact Sophie Maslen or Clare Murray for further information on 01865 244435